Ipsum Social Blogging Theme


Designed purely with blogging in mind.  Good social media access points, designed with a top right advertisement space in mind (to monetise) and a customisable login page.  Clean design, responsive theme, based on Twitter bootstrap.

Demo / Download


The theme is designed for blogging.  Simple, clear, grid-based design, plenty of whitespace and readable typography.    Responsive to mobile for optimal mobile viewing, and a strong position for social.

Easy-as-cake Setup
Blogging themes are for activating and writing – nobody wants to spend hours with fiddly setups.  With Ipsum you activate, change the logo, set your colour and your away.  To go social you’ll want to paste your social profiles into the boxes I’ve prepared for you, nothing else needed.

Grid and Typography
The responsive grid is based on the 12 column Twitter bootstrap base grid.  Typography is generally set at 12pt with 18pt line-height.

The theme is designed to adapt at key breakpoint – Mobile, Tablet (portrait & landscape) and Desktop (to not get technical about exact pixel widths, which you can find in the base styles files.).

Social Sidebar
Social has been given pride of place in the sidebar, which is responsive to mobile.  Show or hide the social toolkit as you prefer.  Easily set the social profile options in the control panel, also available as a widget.

Customisable Branding
Make it your own: choose your own brand colour and upload your logo through the Customiser Control Panel. Also easily add your own copyright and credits text at the foot of the page.

Widget areas
4x Footer Widget areas and a widget-enabled Sidebar.  Built-in.

Photo lightbox PrettyPhoto comes built in and hooked automatically to featured images.  Choose yourself if you want inner photos to use the lightbox or not.  Comes with social sharing buttons built-in.

Customisable Login Page
Clean, and brand-able Login page.  Set the tone for your blog by uploading your favourite background image so that when you log in, you’re in the mood for blogging.  Excellent for client branding.

Demo / Download


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